

Innovation products


    • improves kidney functions
    • natural process of dissolving solids
    • normal solubility of calcium salts
    • normal diuretic function of the kidneys

    60 soft gelatin capsules

    Method of use

    For adults and children over 14 years - 1 capsule 3 times a day. For children from 7 to 14 years - 1 capsule per day.

  • Sterolyt

    Sterolyt is a specially formulated new formulation that helps dissolve and prevent kidney stones.

    Sterolite is a natural product that is absolutely harmless to the body, with no side effects.

    Supports the natural process of dissolving solids in the kidneys and urinary tract.

    It helps to maintain the normal physiological function of the kidneys and the urinary system.

    Compatible with all known urological medications.

    Ingredients of STEROLYT contribute to:

    • improves kidney functions
    • natural process of dissolving solids
    • normal solubility of calcium salts
    • normal diuretic function of the kidneys
    • It is successfully combined with lithotripsy (before and after lithotripsy)


    DehydrationLessful intake of fluids and dehydration of the body are the main risk factor for kidney stones. The most endangered are people who are sweating (due to active physical activity or overweight) and those living in hot and dry climates.


    Some peculiarities of the individual diet can lead to the risk of kidney stones:

    • increased intake of proteins of animal origin (meat),
    • excessive use of salt,
    • consuming too much sugar and sugar products.

    Disturbed metabolism (nutrient metabolism) in the body is also a prerequisite for kidney problems.


    Genetic disorders transmitted by inheritance may increase the risk of developing kidney stones. These disorders consist of the body's inability to absorb normally the whole amount of calcium. Due to the accumulation of calcium, kidney stones can be formed. Of all the causes of kidney stones, transmission by inheritance is unavoidable, but with a proper diet and life, this condition can be avoided.


    Some diseases lead to an increased risk of developing kidney stones:

    • diabetes,
    • high blood pressure,
    • inflammation of the urinary tract,
    • impaired metabolism.

    The ingredients of Sterolyt (polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate, essential oil of Abies alba) containing alpha-pinene, ß-pinene, camphene, car-3-ene, lemon, bornylacetate, borneol and vitamin A help to dissolve kidney stones and sand in the kidneys to form a water-soluble complex with uric acid from the kidney stone.

    Sterolyt is a specially formulated new formula, which is

    • contemporary uricolitician
    • with high biological tolerance and efficiency
    • with physiological harmlessness compared to other uricolytics
    • compatible with all known urological medications
    • a unique and specific uricolitique with a new mechanism of action
    • without competition



  • Ingredientsin 1 capsulein 3 capsules
     Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate 55 mg165 mg
     Essential Oil Abies alba (containing alpha-pinene, ß-pinene, camphene, car- 3-ene, lemonate, bornylacetate, borneol)15 mg45 mg
    Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate)450μg RE (1500IU)1000 μg RE (3330 IU)